Meditation for Adults
Wednesday nights in Templestowe from 7pm - 8pm (NEW CLASSES COMING, please contact me for further information)
I teach the art of Meditation and Relaxation and we discuss the mind and different aspects of our lives each week, to bring about positive changes in your life.
I will teach you ways of bringing happiness and peacefulness into your awareness. At the moment we are talking about being the best version of ourselves, living mindfully and finding the silence in your day. We are looking at what that means on many different levels and how we are working towards achieving that. We are also delving deeper into what really matters!
It is so much more than just meditation!
Learn techniques to help you unwind, find peace, happiness and fulfillment in your life.
Learn to Relax & Calm your mind...
These classes will give you the opportunity to learn simple and effective meditation skills that will easily fit into your lifestyle.
You will also learn techniques to slow down your breathing, relax your muscles, reduce stress and calm the mind.
Are you are looking to improve concentration, build confidence and have more energy? Do you suffer from anxiety, depression, or panic attacks? Have trouble sleeping? Experience chronic or acute pain, headaches or health issues?
Then why not come along to these classes, to work on your inner health and happiness and have some fun along the way.
Whether you are just curious about meditation, maybe you have tried in the past but had no luck or even if you have been meditating for years, these classes will bring about positive changes in your life.
Unique and small classes enable each person to fully experience and become part of a group where inspiration, motivation, laughter and friendly people are all just part of the experience.
Places are limited, so please contact Tracey Jacobs on 0413 211 453 to book your place.
Meditation for Children
(Held in Schools, Kinders and Rooms in Templestowe)
Does your child have trouble sleeping at night? Get headaches and tummy aches? Have problems concentrating or lack confidence? Or perhaps they are experiencing pain or health issues? We often forget that our children feel stress - just like we do - about the things that are important to them such as school, fights with friends, bullying, homework difficulties, family issues, health issues and growing up.
Children's Mindfulness Meditation and Relaxation classes and workshops give your child the opportunity to enjoy learning simple techniques such as how to slow down their breathing, muscle relaxation, meditation, using their imaginations, visualisation and positive thinking in an enchanting, fun and friendly environment.
Children are also encouraged to let go and explore their creative side and to have fun after learning some meditation and relaxation techniques... that can be practiced at home.
Give your child the greatest gift possible - to enjoy their childhood to the fullest, supporting their mental health by learning skills and gaining tools to help them (and you) cope in the future and to help them feel good about themselves and their special place in the world.
Please see the Testimonials page to see what the Teachers and parents have to say about these classes and workshops!
Benefits of Meditation and Relaxation for your child include:- Being able to relax the body & quieten the mind ❈ Better sleep ❈ Reduced stress, tension & anxiety ❈ Greater self esteem & self awareness ❈ Increased energy & vitality ❈ Improved concentration ❈ Enhanced memory ❈ Greater clarity ❈ Improved communication ❈ Better coping skills ❈ More confidence ❈ Happier children ❈
Comments from children attending these classes and workshops, as to when they are using the techniques they are learning:-
"Helped when I was feeling angry"
"If I am nervous or scared"
"When I went to the dentist and orthodontist"
"When I'm getting ready for school"
"When I couldn't sleep"
"When our family goes on long car trips"
"If you don't have anyone to play with"
"It made me feel more calmer and relaxed"
"It didn't make me feel sad anymore"
"I did it when I went back to class"
"If you are getting forced to do something you don't want to do"
"After doing activities, it helps me feel relaxed"
"If I am bored"
"At gymnastics it helps me to concentrate"
For further details regarding classes and workshops, please contact Tracey Jacobs on 0413 211 453
Tracey's meditation class is an oasis of calm and peace in my crazy life. The laughter we share relaxes me, the companionship we share makes me feel safe and Tracey's wise teaching takes me to a place that I would never find on my own.
I love my hour of peace with Tracey, it renews a sense of wellbeing and calmness. She teaches various ways to relax the mind and body whilst concentrating on the breath. Her manner is very warm and light hearted and the hour with her group is a very pleasant experience.
Our children get caught up in our busy and hurried lives. Introducing meditation and relaxation at the Preschool is a way of helping children to learn strategies to deal with the anxiety that is evident in many children nowadays. To learn breathing techniques that they can use in their everyday lives, to learn meditation to help them relax at bedtime and sleep better and to switch off when life gets too hectic, to share this with their family. Mental wellbeing is extremely important, helping children to learn techniques that will give them skills for life, so that they are better equipped to deal with the challenges that life presents.
One parent told me a story about her husband coming home from work quite stressed. While talking to his wife about it, their 3 year old daughter said 'it's ok Daddy, I know what to do, you breathe in and breathe out' and showed him how to use breathing to relax. He immediately relaxed and was very proud of his daughter for teaching him how to relax!
Tracey has a lovely warm nature and relates to the children beautifully. The children respond well to her and are captivated by her voice and her stories. She listens to them and involves them in the session. She respects the individuality of children and ensures each child is made to feel special. Tracey is always positive and encouraging.
My two groups of 4 year olds look forward to Tracey's meditation session on a fortnightly basis. When Tracey enters the room, the children's faces light up with excitement wondering what adventures they will be going on. The children use these relaxation techniques during kinder and at home when they need to. Sometimes even the educators take the time to use these techniques! Thanks for your meditation sessions Tracey.
Tracey has successfully introduced Mindful Learning in lunchtime clubs for multi age groups of primary students and in whole school wellbeing days. She effectively liaises with staff, parents and students to ensure we cater for the needs of our students, staff and families.
Tracey has an amazing gift supporting students to develop confidence and self-esteem and to enjoy life and relationships. She helps them manage conflict and challenges, to relax and respond to their feelings and emotions in a the most optimistic way. During the Mindful Learning classes she teaches students a range of relaxation and focussing strategies and how they can best use them to approach daily pressures and stresses calmly.
My daughter has been attending Tracey's meditation classes for a while now and she absolutely loves it. She really enjoys spending time with Tracey learning meditation and other strategies for feeling calm and happy. I have found that my daughter seems to be much calmer overall and when she does get upset or frustrated, she will then remember one of the strategies that Tracey taught her and implement it. She also loves the affirmation cards that Tracey gives her and looks forward to class each week.
My seven year old daughter has been attending in-school meditation classes with Tracey for three terms now and just loves it. She is a very active child who finds it particularly hard to settle at night as well as at other times when her mind is racing or energy is surging. Having some useful meditation strategies has helped her learn to calm her own thoughts and get to sleep more easily. She has been very taken with the meditation practices Tracey taught that involve drawing and does it quite often at home of her own volition. She even taught a 'meditation class' to the rest of the family and it was a lovely exercise. Very calming!
As a parent, I can see how beneficial it is for children to have such strategies at their disposal and I thank Tracey for making the learning of such important self-management skills not only fun but really easy to apply, even for young children.
My son enjoys the classes and I have seen him more relaxed... and I have seen a big difference in his behaviour. Thank you Tracey.

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